If you are worried about a vulnerable adult in Hillingdon please call Hillingdon Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 01895 556 633
Keep up to date with local and national guidance on the topics and issues affecting vulnerable adults
Information and advice about what safeguarding is and where you can seek support
Celebrating equality and diversity and marking a range of awareness days throughout the year.
The vision of the Safeguarding Adults Board is that Hillingdon citizens, irrespective of age, race, gender, culture, religion, disability or sexual orientation are able to live with their rights protected, in safety, free from abuse and the fear of abuse.
The Hillingdon Safeguarding Partnership brings together the Safeguarding Adults Board and the Safeguarding Children Partnership Board. Both Boards include the Metropolitan Police Service, the London Borough of Hillingdon and the NHS North West London Integrated Care Board. The Safeguarding Adults Board works to promote the welfare of adults with care and support needs and to improve the safeguarding support they receive.
One person can make a difference and everyone should try
Worried about a vulnerable adult in Hillingdon? Please call Hillingdon multi-agency safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 01895 556 633