If you are worried about a vulnerable adult in Hillingdon please call Hillingdon Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 01895 556 633
The Safeguarding Partnership raises awareness of adult safeguarding amongst the local community including individuals, organisations and professionals.
The Hillingdon Safeguarding Partnership issues quarterly newsletters to support safeguarding practice with adults and children. You can find all issues here.
The Hillingdon Safeguarding Partnership produces briefings to support professional safeguarding practice. Each briefing covers an area of practice or provides a summary of key research and guidance.
Hillingdon Safeguarding Partnership recognises the importance of high quality training for all practitioners working with children and adults. The training offer is updated annually to reflect the changing priorities of the partnership.
Hillingdon Safeguarding Partnership is committed to supporting professionals in working with children and young people in Hillingdon. The following pages provide useful guidance, policies and procedures in key areas of safeguarding.
Hillingdon Safeguarding Partnership produces webinars to support safeguarding practice with adults and children. To access these webinars you will need a password that has been shared with the safeguarding leads in all partner organisations. Just ask them!
Worried about a vulnerable adult in Hillingdon? Please call Hillingdon multi-agency safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 01895 556 633