If you are worried about a vulnerable adult in Hillingdon please call Hillingdon Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 01895 556 633
Self-neglect is a lack of self-care. It is sometimes associated with hoarding and it may be indicative of an underlying mental health or physical support need. Practitioners can find working with people who self-neglect challenging. The important thing is to try to engage with people, to offer all the support we are able to, and to understand the limitations to our interventions if the person does not wish to engage.
Robust risk assessment, information sharing, and partnership working with professionals across all relevant agencies supports effective safeguarding for people who self-neglect.
It is not always possible to establish a root cause for self-neglecting behaviours. It can be a result of:
If risks persist, raise a safeguarding concern with Adult Social Care on 01895 556633 or use the online form.
The safeguarding process provides a framework for agencies to work collaboratively to assess and manage risk where needed.
Worried about a vulnerable adult in Hillingdon? Please call Hillingdon multi-agency safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 01895 556 633