
Our Role

The Hillingdon Safeguarding Partnership brings together the Safeguarding Adults Board and the Safeguarding Children Partnership Board. Both Boards include the Metropolitan Police Service, the London Borough of Hillingdon and the NHS North West London Integrated Care Board. The Safeguarding Adults Board works to promote the welfare of adults with care and support needs and to improve the safeguarding support they receive. 

Our Vision

Hillingdon citizens, irrespective of age, race, gender, culture, religion, disability or sexual orientation are able to live with their rights protected, in safety, free from abuse and the fear of abuse.

Equality and Diversity

The Safeguarding Partnership is committed to ensuring that all our activities are underpinned by equality of opportunity, celebrating and valuing diversity, eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation, and promoting good relations.

Legal Duties

The Safeguarding Partnership must publish a strategic plan and an annual report on behalf of the Safeguarding Adults Board and the Safeguarding Children Partnership Board to explain what has been done each year to review and improve safeguarding practice. It must also conduct a Safeguarding Adults Review when an adult at risk dies as a result of abuse or neglect or suffers serious abuse.

Setting Priorities

The Safeguarding Partnership sets priorities for each year based on local and national data including learning from practice, and the views of community groups and adults with lived experience. These priorities then guide our work and the training we offer. 

Multiagency Subgroups

We arrange multiagency subgroups to drive forward work in priority areas. The subgroups include members with relevant expertise and influence to bring about continual development of safeguarding practice across the partnership. The groups report to the Safeguarding Adults Board on a quarterly basis.

Quality Assurance

To effectively quality assure safeguarding practice, the Safeguarding Partnership undertakes a variety of activities to support a dynamic continual evaluation of practice, and coordinates learning from practice across the network and seeks assurance as to how learning is being embedded across the safeguarding partners. The findings of quality assurance work are presented to the Safeguarding Adults Board and the Safeguarding Children Partnership Board.